Protecting yourself in the Cyber Arena – Understanding Admin rights
Step 1 – Understanding Admin rights
More important: Who has them, and why they(you)
don’t need them.
Let's start at the very beginning: What exactly
are Admin rights (or Admin privileges /Access)?
Admin rights are the ultimate access to a
given resource in a computerized environment.
It means that the one that has Admin
rights, can do whatever he wants with that specific resource.
A resource on a computer can be a lot of
things, for example, it can be a file (doc, spreadsheet and similar), a folder,
a program/application/game/ configuration changes and it can even be the Computer
A resource on a Network can be all of the
above, plus it can also be a trillion more things, a minor example can be:
Network folders, files or shares, database, apps, web apps, printers, cameras, camera
server…. and so much more, as much as you can imagine.
Everything in the computer world every object,
has an access right: when you interact with an object, the level of rights that
you have, determined what you can do with that object. Admin level rights allow
you to do whatever you want to do with that object.
So, it is obvious that if I want to do
something bad, I will want to get Admin rights, that way I can delete it,
encrypt it, spy on it or simply send it to the highest bidder (bank account
password for example)
What can be done in order to prevent
hackers from gaining Admin rights? There are numerous ways that hackers can
gain them, they can for example use Mimikats: (see
my recent blog post about Mimikatz) and there are numerous other ways of
doing it. The hacker's primary goal is to gain these admin rights.
If you want to thwart the hackers' plan to
get your Admin rights, all it takes is one simple thing… Don’t Use Admin
Almost every home user, uses a User that
has full admin over his computer!
Almost every employee, uses a User that has
full admin over his computer!
The catch is this: They, you, me… we don’t
need to use admin rights, we need to know it, but we don’t need to use it as
our primary User (even if you are Sysadmins) – and employees don’t really need to
know it or user it…ever...
The reason is simple: every attack that steals
the password or credential, relies on the currently logged user privileges. If
that user doesn’t have the necessary privileges, the attack will fail, and the
admin rights remains unobtained.
In the meantime, your own work remains unhampered.
Almost everything you do on your computer does not require Admin Rights, and
when it does (installing new software, for instance), the computer will ask you
for them, and you can use them freely since the attacker can steal them.
Do not be mistaken, there are many other
forms of attack, but by not using the admin privileges, you will render most of
the attacks obsolete.
In an ever-changing cyber arena, you always
need to keep up to date, always install top of the line defense programs, a
greatly recommended one that can deal with a future and unknown like the Cyber 2.0 System.
And Always, Always!!! Backup!!!
Next upcoming blog post: -
Backing up in the new Cyber Arena: The Good the Bad and the Ugly…
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